California Food and Agricultural Code ARTICLE 2 - Project Agreements

  • Section 58571.
    (a) Project agreements may be entered into between the department and cooperators in order to address constraints and encourage the marketing of agricultural commodities in foreign...
  • Section 58572.
    (a) The director may only approve a project agreement that appears to effectively contribute to the creation, expansion, or maintenance of markets abroad. Primary emphasis shall...
  • Section 58573.
    Project agreements may promote either a single commodity or a group of related commodities. Activities shall be aimed at increasing both consumer and commercial uses...
  • Section 58574.
    (a) State funds may be used to pay costs which are essential to, and clearly identifiable with, the carrying out of the activities specified in the...
  • Section 58575.
    Activities undertaken pursuant to this chapter shall be supplemental to, and not a substitute for, any market development activities undertaken by the federal government.(Added by...
  • Section 58577.
    (a) The director, the Director of General Services, and the advisory committee shall take necessary precautions to assure the confidentiality of the information which is contained...
  • Section 58578.
    All project agreements entered into pursuant to this chapter, unless exempted in accordance with Section 10351 of the Public Contract Code, shall be submitted to...
  • Section 58580.
    Nothing in this chapter precludes the director from separately funding project proposals coming from private or nonprofit agricultural marketing organizations, state marketing order boards, or...

Last modified: October 22, 2018