California Health and Safety Code CHAPTER 10.6 - Asbestos Abatement and Control

  • Section 25925.
    (a)  “Asbestos” means naturally occurring fibrous hydrated mineral silicates, including chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, fibrous tremolite, fibrous anthophyllite, and fibrous actinolite. (b)  “Asbestos materials” means materials...
  • Section 25926.
    The Legislature finds that:(a)  Substantial medical and scientific evidence indicates that human exposure to asbestos fibers significantly increases the risk of contracting cancer and other...
  • Section 25927.
    It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure the safety of the public and of public employees by creating an interdepartmental task force composed...
  • Section 25929.
    If any building standards are adopted pursuant to this chapter, the standards shall be placed in the appropriate sections of the State Building Standards Code,...

Last modified: October 22, 2018