California Public Resources Code CHAPTER 10 - Funds

  • Section 13170.
    In a fund called the “Resort Improvement District General Fund,” the treasurer shall place and keep the money levied by the board for that fund.(Added...
  • Section 13171.
    The proceeds of the sale of revenue bonds or general obligation bonds or proceeds of special assessments levied by the board shall be deposited with...
  • Section 13172.
    The money in any construction fund shall be used for the purpose indicated in the resolution calling the election upon the question of the issuance...
  • Section 13173.
    The bond moneys may also be used for interest and working capital for the period of construction and for twelve (12) months thereafter, and also...
  • Section 13174.
    Any money in the construction fund determined by resolution of the board to be in excess of the amounts required for completion of the improvement...
  • Section 13175.
    In a fund called the “Resort Improvement District Bond Fund ____” (inserting series number), the treasurer shall keep money levied or collected for that fund.(Added...
  • Section 13176.
    No part of the money belonging in the bond fund may be transferred to any other fund or be used for any purpose other than...

Last modified: October 22, 2018