California Public Resources Code CHAPTER 1 - Title and General Provisions

  • Section 25000.
    This division shall be known and may be cited as the Warren-Alquist State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Act.(Added by Stats. 1974, Ch. 276.)
  • Section 25000.1.
    (a) The Legislature further finds and declares that, in addition to their other ratepayer protection objectives, a principal goal of electric and natural gas utilities’ resource...
  • Section 25000.5.
    (a) The Legislature finds and declares that overdependence on the production, marketing, and consumption of petroleum based fuels as an energy resource in the transportation sector...
  • Section 25001.
    The Legislature hereby finds and declares that electrical energy is essential to the health, safety and welfare of the people of this state and to...
  • Section 25002.
    The Legislature further finds and declares that the present rapid rate of growth in demand for electric energy is in part due to wasteful, uneconomic,...
  • Section 25003.
    The Legislature further finds and declares that in planning for future electrical generating and related transmission facilities state, regional, and local plans for land use,...
  • Section 25004.
    The Legislature further finds and declares that there is a pressing need to accelerate research and development into alternative sources of energy and into improved...
  • Section 25004.2.
    The Legislature further finds that cogeneration technology is a potential energy resource and should be an important element of the state’s energy supply mix. The...
  • Section 25004.3.
    The Legislature further finds and declares all of the following:(a) Advanced transportation technologies hold the promise of conserving energy, reducing pollution, lowering traffic congestion, and promoting...
  • Section 25005.
    The Legislature further finds and declares that prevention of delays and interruptions in the orderly provision of electrical energy, protection of environmental values, and conservation...
  • Section 25005.5.
    The Legislature further finds and declares that information should be acquired and analyzed by the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission in order to...
  • Section 25006.
    It is the policy of the state and the intent of the Legislature to establish and consolidate the state’s responsibility for energy resources, for encouraging,...
  • Section 25007.
    It is further the policy of the state and the intent of the Legislature to employ a range of measures to reduce wasteful, uneconomical, and...
  • Section 25008.
    It is further the policy of the state and the intent of the Legislature to promote all feasible means of energy and water conservation and...
  • Section 25009.
    The Legislature finds and declares that Chapter 854 of the Statutes of 1996 restructured the California electricity industry and created a competitive electricity generation market....

Last modified: October 22, 2018