California Unemployment Insurance Code CHAPTER 9.5 - Employment for Older Workers

  • Section 2070.
    It is the public policy of the State of California that manpower should be used to its fullest extent. This statement of policy compels the...
  • Section 2071.
    As used in this chapter:(a) “Employee” does not include any individual employed by his parents, spouse or child or in the domestic service of any person.(b) “Employer”...
  • Section 2073.
    The department shall co-operate with other departments, agencies, and institutions both public and private in providing job counseling and placement services and developing employment programs...
  • Section 2074.
    The department shall formulate policies to effectuate the purposes of this chapter and make recommendations to agencies and officers of the State and of local...
  • Section 2075.
    The department shall carry on a continuing program of education, information, research, study, and community organization concerning the problems of older workers in seeking, obtaining,...
  • Section 2076.
    The department shall issue such publications and such results of research and other activities as in its judgment will tend to minimize or eliminate discrimination...
  • Section 2078.
    The age limitations of the apprenticeship programs in which the State participates shall not be considered discriminatory within the meaning of this chapter.(Added by Stats....

Last modified: October 22, 2018