California Water Code ARTICLE 4 - Election

  • Section 75900.
    If a protest against the inclusion of lands, signed by not less than 3 percent of the holders of title or evidence of title to...
  • Section 75901.
    Upon the adoption of the resolution pursuant to Section 75900, the board shall order that an election be held within the district to determine whether...
  • Section 75902.
    Before calling the election, the board may require an undertaking from the petitioners for the inclusion of the land, conditioned that the petitioners or the...
  • Section 75903.
    Notice of the election shall be given and published, the election shall be held and conducted, the returns thereof shall be made and canvassed, and...
  • Section 75904.
    The notice of election shall describe the proposed change of the boundaries in such manner and terms that it can readily be traced.(Added by Stats....
  • Section 75905.
    The ballots cast at the election shall contain the words “For change of boundaries,” or “Against change of boundaries,” or words equivalent thereto.(Added by Stats....
  • Section 75906.
    If a majority of all the votes cast at the election are against change of the boundaries of the district, the board shall order that...
  • Section 75907.
    If a majority of the votes cast at the election are in favor of the change of the boundaries of the district, the board shall...

Last modified: October 22, 2018