Georgia Code § 50-5b-2 - Administrative Units; Directors; Employees

(a) The state accounting officer shall establish such units within the State Accounting Office as he or she deems proper for its administration, including The Council of Superior Court Judges of Georgia and the Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of the State of Georgia as separate units with distinct accounting functions, and shall designate persons to be directors and assistant directors of such units to exercise such authority as he or she may delegate to them in writing.

(b) The state accounting officer shall have the authority, within budgetary limitations, to employ as many persons as he or she deems necessary for the administration of the office and for the discharge of the duties of the office. The state accounting officer shall issue all necessary directions, instructions, orders, and rules applicable to such persons. He or she shall have authority, as he or she deems proper, to employ, assign, compensate, and discharge employees of the office within the limitations of the office's appropriation, the requirements of the state system of personnel administration provided for in Chapter 20 of Title 45, and restrictions set forth by law.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016