Hawaii Revised Statutes 428-812 Appeal From Denial of Reinstatement.

[§428-812] Appeal from denial of reinstatement. (a) If the director denies a limited liability company's application for reinstatement following administrative dissolution, the director shall notify the company of the reason or reasons for denial.

(b) The company may appeal the denial of reinstatement to the circuit court within thirty days after the mailing of notification of the denial. The company appeals by petitioning the court to set aside the dissolution and attaching to the petition copies of the director's decree of termination, the company's application for reinstatement, and the director's notice of denial.

(c) The court may summarily order the director to reinstate the dissolved company or may take other action the court considers appropriate.

(d) The court's final decision may be appealed as in other civil proceedings. [L 1996, c 92, pt of §1]

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Last modified: October 27, 2016