Hawaii Revised Statutes 36. Management of State Funds


  • 36-1 Responsibility for Moneys.
    The director of finance shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all moneys paid into the treasury, and for the proper disbursement and appropriation...
  • 36-2 Keep Full Records.
    The director of finance shall keep, or cause to be kept, in appropriate books, a clear, distinct, and full record of all the transactions...
  • 36-2.5 Full Disclosure of Entities Receiving State Awards.
    (a) In this section, unless the context indicates otherwise: "Entity": (1) Includes, whether for profit or nonprofit: (A) A corporation; (B) An association; (C)...
  • 36-3 Fiscal Agents.
    The director of finance may appoint, with the approval of the governor, such fiscal agents as may be necessary and expedient to facilitate the...
  • 36-4 Instruct Subordinates.
    The director of finance shall, from time to time, instruct the officers of the director's department in relation to their duties and business. [CC...
  • 36-5 Responsibility for Drafts on Treasury.
    Except as otherwise provided, the head of each department shall be responsible for the correctness of all drafts or orders drawn by him upon...
  • 36-6 Report to Legislature.
    The director of finance shall make an annual report to the legislature of the transactions and business of the director's department, showing the revenue...
  • 36-7 Director's Certificates, Evidence.
    The director of finance may certify, under the seal of the director's department, copies of vouchers and other documents deposited in the director's office;...
  • 36-8 Director May Administer Oaths.
    The director of finance may administer all necessary oaths connected with the duties of the director's department. [CC 1859, §475; RL 1925, §1249; RL...


Cross References

Special and revolving fund reviews, see 23-11 and 23-12.

Last modified: October 27, 2016