Nevada Revised Statutes Section 450B.590 - Public Health and Safety

Limitations on effect of NRS 450B.400 to 450B.590, inclusive. The provisions of NRS 450B.400 to 450B.590, inclusive, do not:

1. Require a physician or other provider of health care to take action contrary to reasonable medical standards;

2. Condone, authorize or approve mercy killing, euthanasia or assisted suicide;

3. Substitute for any other legally authorized procedure by which a person may direct that he not be resuscitated in the event of a cardiac or respiratory arrest;

4. Affect or impair any right created pursuant to the provisions of NRS 449.535 to 449.690, inclusive; or

5. Affect the right of a qualified patient to make decisions concerning the use of life-resuscitating treatment, if he is able to do so, or impair or supersede a right or responsibility of a person to affect the withholding of medical care in a lawful manner.

Last modified: February 26, 2006