William W. Halle IV, and Janice C. Halle - Page 28

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          sustain respondent's position as to the amount allowed for the              
          loss on the Cavalier.                                                       
          III.  Section 6662(a) Accuracy-Related Penalty                              
               Respondent determined that petitioners are liable for the              
          accuracy-related penalty.  Section 6662(a) and (b)(1) provide               
          that an amount equal to 20-percent of that portion of the                   
          underpayment that is attributable to negligence or disregard of             
          rules or regulations shall be added to the tax.  Negligence is              
          the failure to exercise due care or to do what a reasonable and             
          ordinarily prudent person would do under the circumstances.                 
          Neely v. Commissioner, 85 T.C. 934, 947 (1985).  Negligence                 
          includes failure to make a reasonable attempt to comply with                
          provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.  Sec. 6662(c).                     
          Petitioner has the burden of proving that respondent's                      
          determination is in error.  Rule 142(a); Bixby v. Commissioner,             
          58 T.C. 757 (1972).                                                         
               Taxpayers have a duty to keep accurate records and to                  
          carefully prepare their returns.  See secs. 6001, 6011; secs.               
          1.6001-1(a), 1.6011-1(b), Income Tax Regs.                                  
               Petitioner overstated 13 out of 16 items listed on his                 
          Schedule C primarily by duplication.  Most of the duplication               
          errors occurred when he prepared the scratch pads, which he then            
          used to compute total deductible expenses.  As petitioner listed            
          expenses on the scratch pads, he forgot that the DAC system                 
          included the MYM expenses.  He transferred the MYM expenses into            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011