Haralampos Katerelos and Irene Katerelos - Page 30

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            they paid Wilson Swimming Pools more than $14,000 and a patio and                             
            barbeque for which they paid more than $3,300.                                                
                  During January 1989, Mr. Katerelos purchased a 1985 Honda                               
            Accord for his daughter Anneta.  In the application for insurance                             
            for that car, dated January 16, 1989, Mr. Katerelos was listed as                             
            the driver of the car for 60 percent of the time, Ms. Katerelos                               
            was listed as the driver for 20 percent of the time, and his                                  
            daughter Anneta was listed as the driver for 20 percent of the                                
            time.  In fact, that car was primarily driven by petitioner's                                 
            daughter Anneta after it was purchased.                                                       
                  Petitioners borrowed $9,000 in May 1989 from Valley National                            
            Bank.  They paid off that loan by making a principal payment of                               
            $6,000 during August 1989 and two principal payments totaling                                 
            $3,000 during November 1989.                                                                  
                  In an application for insurance for a 1987 Chevrolet S-10                               
            Blazer, dated June 10, 1991, petitioners were listed as the                                   
            owners of the vehicle and Mr. Katerelos was listed as the driver                              
            of that vehicle for 30 percent of the time, Ms. Katerelos was                                 
            listed as the driver for 50 percent of the time, and petitioners'                             
            son John was listed as the driver for 20 percent of the time.  In                             
            fact, that vehicle was primarily driven by petitioners' son John                              
            after it was purchased.                                                                       
                  From 1988 to 1992, Mr. Katerelos was a 50-percent owner of                              
            Kefalonia, Inc. (Kefalonia) that operated a restaurant called                                 
            Dolce Vita East.  Mr. Katerelos' original investment in Kefalonia                             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011