Geraldine H. Pearson - Page 3

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          of 1955.  From 1955 to 1959, she held short-term or part-time               
          positions with several employers including KGON radio, H. Richard           
          Sellars Advertising, BG Record Distributors, White Stag                     
          Manufacturing, Hood River Distillers, and Enterprise Courier.               
               Petitioner has raised livestock since 1955.  From 1955 to              
          the time of trial, petitioner's farm activities included caring             
          for cattle and sheep and breeding, showing, and selling horses.             
               Petitioner's farm consists of her parents' 47.6 acre farm,             
          which they gave her in 1976, 100 acres petitioner bought in 1961,           
          which adjoin her parents' farm, and 3 acres petitioner has leased           
          since 1986.  Petitioner used the 150.6 acres as a farm from 1986            
          until the time of trial.  The farm consists entirely of pasture             
          land.  Petitioner’s farm is in Oregon City, Oregon.                         
               Petitioner taught at Mt. Angel College from 1959 to 1969 and           
          at Portland Community College from 1969 to 1986.  During the                
          first years petitioner taught 6 hours per week.  After several              
          years of teaching, petitioner did special projects at home or at            
          other locations not disclosed in the record.  In 1971 or 1972,              
          petitioner had a 180-day contract as a member of the staff of the           
          president of Portland Community College.                                    
               In 1986 and 1987, petitioner took a leave of absence from              
          teaching to pursue graduate work at Oregon State University.                
          Petitioner lived on her farm and commuted 2 days each week to               
          school. Petitioner spent 1 year on her farm writing her                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011