Estate of Honore V. De St. Aubin, Deceased, Ovide E. De St. Aubin, Executor, et al. - Page 4

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                  Mr. de St. Aubin's will establishes two trusts for the              
             benefit of decedent.  Article Sixth of the will creates a                
             marital trust.  The will names decedent as the income                    
             beneficiary of that trust, and it grants her a testamentary              
             power of appointment over the assets of the marital trust.               
             Article Sixth directs that the marital trust be funded with              
             an amount equal to 50 percent of the adjusted gross estate               
             less the aggregate value of all interests in Mr. de St.                  
             Aubin's property that pass to decedent outright through her              
             husband's will, or "otherwise than under [his] will, by                  
             operation of law, through life insurance policies, or                    
             otherwise".  With respect to funding, Article Sixth                      

                       My executors, hereinafter named, shall have                    
                  the power and sole discretion to satisfy this                       
                  bequest wholly or partly in cash or in kind and                     
                  to select the assets to be included therein,                        
                  provided, however, that all such assets included                    
                  shall be valued at the value thereof as finally                     
                  determined for Federal estate tax purposes, and                     
                  that the total value of such cash and/or property                   
                  at the time of distribution to my said trustees                     
                  shall be at least equal to the amount of this                       

             Article Sixth directs that the entire net income be paid to              
             decedent at least quarterly.  The will does not authorize                
             invasion of the principal of the marital trust for                       
             decedent's benefit.  Under Article Sixth, the marital trust              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011