Estate of Eileen K. Brocato - Page 4

                                        - 4 -                                         
               (6)  2000 Beach Street, an 18-unit apartment building                  
                    (2000 Beach)                                                      
               (7)  101 Capra Way, a 15-unit apartment building,                      
                    wherein decedent owned a 50-percent interest                      
                    (101 Capra)                                                       
               (8)  3737 Fillmore Street, a 15-unit apartment                         
          building, wherein decedent owned a 50-percent                               
          interest (3737 Fillmore)                                                    
               (9)  1359-61 Bay Street, a duplex house, wherein                       
                    decedent owned a 50-percent interest (1359 Bay)                   
          All of the above properties are located in the Marina District of           
          San Francisco, California.  The Marina District is one of several           
          desirable districts in which to reside in San Francisco.  The 101           
          Capra, 3737 Fillmore, and 1359 Bay properties (collectively, the            
          fractional interest properties) were held by decedent and Mr.               
          Brocato as tenants in common during their lives, each owning a              
          50-percent interest.                                                        
               The parties agree that the values of decedent’s interests in           
          the nine properties before applying discounts are as follows:               
               (1) 25 Cervantes                      $1,640,000                       
               (2) 3637 Fillmore                      1,293,000                       
               (3) 2395 Francisco                     1,058,000                       
               (4) 15 Alhambra                          914,000                       
               (5) 2360 Chestnut                      2,875,000                       
               (6) 2000 Beach                         1,173,000                       
               (7) 101 Capra                            619,000                       
               (8) 3737 Fillmore                        593,000                       
               (9) 1359 Bay                             267,000                       
          Total                             10,432,000                                
          The Closing Letter                                                          
               On the return filed June 30, 1994, petitioner reported the             
          value of the Brocato properties based on an appraisal report by             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011