Florida Progress Corporation and Subsidiaries - Page 3

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               The parties submitted this case fully stipulated pursuant to           
          Rule 122.  The stipulated facts are incorporated by this                    
               Florida Progress Corporation (petitioner) is a corporation             
          organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida.              
          At the time of the filing of the petition, petitioner’s principal           
          place of business was located in St. Petersburg, Florida.                   
               Petitioner operates Florida Power Corporation (Florida                 
          Power), a public utility that provides electricity service to               
          approximately 1.3 million retail customers over 20,000 square               
          miles of central and northern Florida.  Florida Power also                  
          provides wholesale electricity to other electricity providers.              
          Petitioner and its subsidiaries, including Florida Power, filed             
          consolidated Federal income tax returns, reported income on a               
          calendar year, and used the accrual method of accounting during             
          all of the years in issue.                                                  
               Florida Power is subject to the rules and regulations of               
          both the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) and the Federal           
          Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  The FPSC regulates the                
          rates that Florida Power may charge its retail customers, whereas           
          the FERC regulates the rates that Florida Power may charge its              
          wholesale customers.  Both the FPSC and the FERC allow Florida              
          Power to charge its customers a rate for electricity calculated             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011