Keith E. and Marilyn B. West - Page 9

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          $1,000,000, inclusive of residences and personal property, or               
          income of $200,000 per year for each unit of investment.                    
          C.  Partnership-Level Litigation                                            
               On June 5, 1989, respondent issued Notices of Final                    
          Partnership Administrative Adjustment (FPAA) to Masters’ tax                
          matters partner (TMP) for 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1985.                       
          Subsequently, on June 19, 1989, copies of the FPAA’s for 1982,              
          1983, and 1984 were sent to Keith and Marilyn West.  On the same            
          date, a copy of the FPAA for 1982 was sent to Warren and                    
          Elizabeth West.  In the FPAA’s, respondent disallowed the losses            
          that Masters had reported on its 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1985                 
          Federal income tax returns and determined that Masters did not              
          incur “a loss in a trade or business or in an activity entered              
          into for profit or with respect to property held for the                    
          production of income.”  Respondent also determined that Masters’            
          basis in the recycling equipment was zero, rather than                      
          $7,000,000, for purposes of the investment tax and business                 
          energy credits.                                                             
               Subsequently, a petition was filed by Masters’ tax matters             
          partner.  On February 23, 1994, the Court entered a decision in             
          Masters Recycling Associates, Sam Winer, Tax Matters Partner v.             
          Commissioner, docket No. 18417-89.  This decision reflects a full           
          concession by Masters of all items of income, loss, and the                 
          underlying equipment valuation used for tax credit purposes.                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011