Estate of Pattie Welder Edwards - Page 5

                                        - 5 -                                         
               knowledge and consent, the Lessee had, prior to her                    
               death, maintained a substantial cattle and farming                     
               operation and had, in addition, expended substantial                   
               sums of his own funds, as well as his time and effort,                 
               in erecting and maintaining permanent improvements on                  
               the Property without compensation from Ms. Edwards, all                
               of which were intended to be used by the Lessee                        
               indefinitely; and                                                      
                    WHEREAS, Ms. Edwards died on December 20, 1994, at                
               which time the Lease was in full force and effect, and                 
               the Estate (in recognition of Ms. Edwards’ promise and                 
               commitment) and the Lessee now wish to memorialize the                 
               terms and conditions of the lifetime lease of the                      
               Property by the Lessee; * * *                                          
          Similar language was included in the lease agreement (postdeath             
          lease) executed on the Cotulla Ranch by Edwards and Carson, as              
          coexecutors, after the death of decedent.                                   
               The terms of the postdeath lease on the Sinton Ranch                   
          extended the existing lease for a period of 5 years, with                   
          consecutive 5-year options to renew the lease at a fair market              
          rental value.  The terms of the postdeath lease on the Sinton               
          Ranch also provided for:  (1) Lease payments for ranchland in the           
          amount of 30 percent of the offspring of any cattle or other                
          livestock pastured on the property, (2) payments for use of                 
          farmland in the amount of one-third of the grain and one-fourth             
          of the cotton and cottonseed produced therefrom, (3) payment in             
          kind, and (4) 25 percent of the gross hunting fees received by              
          the lessee from hunters.                                                    
               The terms of the postdeath lease on the Cotulla Ranch                  
          extended the existing lease for a period of 5 years, with                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011