Estate of Melvin W. Ballantyne, Deceased, Jean S. Ballantyne, Independent Executrix, and Jean S. Ballantyne - Page 2

                                        - 2 -                                         
          Taxpayer                 Year      Deficiency      Sec. 6662(a)             
          Jean S. Ballantyne       1993      $4,998              --                   
          Estate of Melvin W.      1994      10,735              –-                   
          Ballantyne, Jean S.                                                         
          Ballantyne, Surviving                                                       
          Estate of Melvin W.      1994      172,035             –-                   
          Ballantyne, Jean S.                                                         
          Ballantyne, Executrix                                                       
          Estate of Melvin W.      1995      14,562              $2,912               
          Ballantyne, Jean S.                                                         
          Ballantyne, Executrix                                                       
               Respondent determined deficiencies in income tax and                   
          penalties in docket No. 16346-99 for Russell E. Ballantyne and              
          Clarice Ballantyne as follows:                                              
                                             Accuracy-Related Penalty                 
               Year           Deficiency          Sec. 6662(a)                        
               1993           $77,672                  --                             
               1994           325,761             $63,646.40                          
               1995           47,381         9,476.20                                 
          In order to protect the Government from a potential whipsaw,                
          respondent has taken inconsistent positions in these dockets.1              
               After concessions, the issues for decision are:  (1) The               
          proper allocation between the Estate of Melvin W. Ballantyne and            
          petitioner Russell E. Ballantyne of gain from the sale of grain             
          in 1994; (2) whether petitioner Russell E. Ballantyne had                   
          additional gain in 1994 in the amount of $751,988 which should              

               1These cases were consolidated for purposes of trial,                  
          briefing, and opinion.                                                      

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Last modified: May 25, 2011