Oliver W. and Edna D. Wilson - Page 38

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          section 263A and must be capitalized.  The only years for which             
          respondent argues that petitioners failed to adequately                     
          substantiate their Schedule C expenses are 1992 and 1993.  We               
          address respondent’s substantiation argument in part V.A.3. of              
          this opinion.  In this part of the opinion, we focus only on                
          whether petitioners must capitalize their noninterest Schedule C            
          expenses under section 263A.                                                
               Regardless of which party bears the burden of proof on the             
          section 263A issue, the evidence shows that petitioners were                
          engaged during the years 1990 through and including 1993 in the             
          rehabilitation, renovation, and retrofitting of the 5401-9 S.               
          Broadway property.  The evidence also shows: (1) The production             
          period with respect to that part of the property intended for use           
          as a restaurant/nightclub facility began in approximately 1987              
          and continued through at least 1993; (2) as of August 1992,                 
          petitioners lacked sufficient funds to complete the retrofitting            
          and renovation of the restaurant/nightclub facility; (3)                    
          petitioners did not operate either a nightclub facility or a                
          restaurant for profit at any time during 1992 or 1993; and (4)              
          any expenses petitioners substantiated and deducted on their                
          Schedules C for 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993, with the exception of           
          those properly allocable to petitioners’ Schedule E rental                  
          activity, were attributable to petitioners’ efforts to retrofit             
          and renovate the 5401-9 S. Broadway property for use as an                  

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