Raleigh L. and Angela M. J. Womack - Page 5

                                        - 5 -                                         
          Ms. Caddle during the year that Ms. Caddle’s work schedule                  
               Ms. Caddle testified and confirmed that her work schedule              
          changed in 2000.  According to Ms. Caddle, however, her daughter            
          moved in with her before then.  Ms. Caddle determined the time              
          frame based upon the completion of her new house, which she moved           
          into prior to 2000.                                                         
               Petitioner’s daughter also testified.  She admitted that she           
          was unsure of the year that she moved in with her mother, but               
          recalled that it was during the year that her mother switched               
          from working afternoons and evenings to working days.                       
               After careful consideration of all of the evidence in this             
          case, including the handwritten note authored by petitioner’s               
          daughter, we are satisfied that petitioners’ version of the                 
          events is correct.  That being the case, we find that for                   
          purposes of section 152(e), petitioner is treated as the                    
          custodial parent of his daughter for 1998.  It follows that he is           
          entitled to a dependency exemption deduction for her for that               
          year, and respondent’s determination to the contrary must be                
               To reflect the foregoing,                                              
                                             Decision will be entered                 
                                        for petitioners.                              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011