Greg William Gouveia, a.k.a. Greg W. Gouveia, a.k.a. Greg Gouveia & Carol Ann Gorveia, a.k.a. Carol Gouveia, et al. - Page 2

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          penalties with respect to petitioners’ Federal income taxes:2               
          Greg William Gouveia, a.k.a. Greg W. Gouveia, a.k.a. Greg Gouveia           
          and Carol Ann Gouveia, a.k.a. Carol Gouveia, docket No. 288-03              
                                             Accuracy-Related Penalty                 
               Year        Deficiency        Sec. 6662(a)                             
               1995        $30,521                $6,104                              
               1996        22,947                 4,589                               
          Greg Gouveia and Carol Gouveia, docket No. 562-03                           
                                             Accuracy-Related Penalty                 
               Year        Deficiency        Sec. 6662(a)                             
               1997        $20,620                $4,124                              
               1998        21,982                 4,396                               
          Pago Trust, Phillip Norton, Trustee, docket No. 563-03                      
                                             Accuracy-Related Penalty                 
               Year        Deficiency        Sec. 6662(a)                             
               1998        $39,331                $7,866                              
          McKenzie Trust, Charles Boatright, Trustee, docket No. 564-03               
                                             Accuracy-Related Penalty                 
               Year        Deficiency        Sec. 6662(a)                             
               1998        $1,136                 $227                                
               Petitioners filed separate petitions to redetermine the                
          deficiencies and related penalties.  We consolidated these cases            
          (hereinafter this case) for trial, briefing, and opinion pursuant           
          to Rule 141(a) because they present common issues of fact and               

               2All section references are to the Internal Revenue Code in            
          effect for the years in issue, and all Rule references are to the           
          Tax Court Rules of Practice and Procedure.  Monetary amounts are            
          rounded to the nearest dollar.                                              

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