Antonio B. Secapure - Page 3

          equipment, office fixtures, accessories, inventory, and goodwill            
          as follows:                                                                 
                    Tools and equipment1          $23,474.18                          
                    Goodwill                      5,000.00                            
                    Leasehold Right               21,525.82                           
                    Motor Fuel                    10,000.00                           
                    Inventory                       5,000.00                          
               1 Tools and equipment included office fixtures and                     
               The seller leased to petitioner the building and land on               
          which the Chevron gas station is located from 1988 to 1993.                 
          Petitioner bought the building and land in 1993.                            
               2.   Petitioner’s Sale of the Chevron Gas Station Business             
               In 1995, petitioner sold tools, equipment, office fixtures,            
          inventory, and goodwill related to, and the right to operate, the           
          Chevron gas station business, but not the building and land on              
          which it is located, for $200,000.  The buyers signed a document            
          entitled “Business Opportunity Purchase Agreement and Deposit               
          Receipt”, in which they agreed to buy the Chevron gas station               
          business in 1995 and pay petitioner as follows:                             
               $70,000   Paid by buyers at close of escrow                            
               65,000    Loan from 3d party assumed by buyers                         
               65,000 To be paid as follows: $805.91 (which includes                  
                         principal and interest at 8.5 percent) per month.            
               Petitioner paid a $10,000 commission to Joy & Associates,              
          Inc., the agent for the buyers, and a $10,000 commission to                 
          Counties West Real Estate, the agent for petitioner, for their              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011