FPL Group, Inc. & Subsidiaries - Page 3

                                        - 3 -                                         
               1.   Property Purchased and/or Installed Pursuant                      
                    to the Tariff ................... 94                              
                    a.     The Tariff Is Not a Contract for                           
                           Purposes of TRA Section 204(a)(3) ..... 95                 
                    b.     The Tariff Does Not Readily Identify the                   
                           Property in Issue ............. 101                        
                    c.     Documents Incorporated by Reference Into                   
                           the Supply or Service Contract ...... 102                  
                    d.     Property Readily Identifiable From the                     
                           Related Documents ............. 106                        
                    e.     Class Life of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies                      
                           Pursuant to TRA Section 203(b)(2) ..... 124                
               2.   Are the Southern Company Contracts TRA Section                    
                    204(a)(3) Supply or Service Contracts? ...... 128                 
               3.  Are the DRI Documents TRA Section 204(a)(3)                        
                    Supply Contracts? ................. 134                           
          C.  TRA Section 203(b)(1)(A)--The “Binding Contract” Rule .. 136            
               1.  Nuclear Fuel Transfer System ............ 138                      
               2.  Southern Interchange Contract ........... 140                      
               3.  LMS Equipment Under A.B. Chance Contract ...... 144                
               4.  St. John’s River Power Park (SJRPP) ........ 147                   
          D.  TRA Section 203(b)(1)(B)--“Self-Constructed Property” .. 152            
               1.   “Wrap Up” Work and “Enhancements and                              
                    Deficiencies” Work at the SJRPP .......... 158                    
               2. Distribution and Transmission Substations ..... 165                 
               3. Transmission Line Systems ............ 169                          
               4. “Backfit” Items at St. Lucie ........... 176                        
                    a. Underwater Intrusion System ........ 177                       
                    b. Condensate Polisher Tie Line ........ 179                      
                    c. Instrument Air Upgrade ........... 181                         
               5. Spent Fuel Rack Systems .............. 184                          
          E.   TRA Section 203(b)(1)(C)--“Plant Facility Rule” .... 187               
               1. “Backfit” Items at St. Lucie ........... 189                        
               2.   “Wrap up” Work and “Enhancements and                              
                    Deficiencies” Work at the SJRPP .......... 191                    
                    a. Written Specific Plan ........... 192                          
                    b. Costs Committed or Incurred ........ 194                       
               3. Distribution and Transmission Substations .... 196                  
                    a. Written Specific Plan ........... 197                          
                    b. Commencement of the Construction ...... 199                    
                    c. Costs Committed or Incurred ........ 202                       

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Last modified: May 25, 2011