Terry Fred Burnham - Page 3

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               Respondent determined a deficiency in petitioner’s 2000                
          Federal income tax and additions to tax as follows:                         
                        Additions to Tax                                             
          Deficiency   Sec. 6651(a)(1)   Sec. 6651(a)(2) Sec. 6654(a)                 
          $16,600        $3,735              $2,739         $892                      
          After concessions,1 the issues for decision are:  (1) Whether a             
          distribution of $20,102 petitioner received from the California             
          Field Ironworkers Trust Funds (CFITF) is includable in gross                
          income; (2) whether petitioner is entitled to a dependency                  
          exemption deduction for Lupe Chitwood; (3) whether a distribution           
          petitioner received of $8,000 from Jackson National Life Ins. Co.           
          (Jackson) is includable in gross income, and (4) whether                    
          petitioner is liable for an addition to tax under section                   
          6651(a)(1) of $3,735.                                                       
               Some of the facts have been stipulated, and they are so                
          found.  The stipulation of facts and the attached exhibits are              

               1  With respect to adjustments for the taxable year 2000,              
          petitioner concedes that:  (1) He is taxable on Social Security             
          benefits received to the extent of $12,755, and (2) that he                 
          received $37,050 in gambling winnings.  Respondent concedes the             
          following: (1) Petitioner is entitled to deduct gambling losses             
          against gambling winnings of $37,050; (2) petitioner is entitled            
          to a deduction of $2,150 for mortgage interest; (3) petitioner is           
          entitled to a deduction of $1,648 for property tax paid; and (4)            
          petitioner is not liable for additions to tax under secs.                   
          6651(a)(2) and 6654(a).                                                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011