Timothy J. and Joan M. Miller - Page 30

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          the expected source of repayment, Huntington's contemporaneous              
          records indicate that it was looking both to petitioner and to MMS          
          for repayment.  Huntington's internal reports prepared in                   
          connection with the bank's decisions to increase the authorized             
          principal of the Miller/Huntington Loan in February 1993 and                
          January 1994 both listed the primary source of repayment as                 
          "Personal cash flow [of petitioner] and/or funds from Miller                
          Medical Systems, Inc."  Moreover, when the authorized principal             
          amount of the Miller/Huntington Loan was increased for the second           
          time in January 1994, Huntington sought and obtained a second               
          mortgage on the residence of petitioner's parents, suggesting that          
          Huntington continued to rely on petitioner personally as a source           
          of repayment.  In short, the use of proceeds and source of                  
          repayment factors do not persuade us that the loan from Huntington          
          to petitioner should be disregarded, and MMS treated as borrowing           
          directly from Huntington rather than petitioner.                            
               We also attach little consequence to petitioners'                      
          inconsistent tax reporting of the interest arising from the                 
          Miller/Huntington and MMS/Miller Loans.  Petitioners failed to              
          report any interest income from the MMS/Miller Loan in 1993, but            
          they reported $109,674 of such interest in 1994.  Since the                 
          MMS/Miller Loan and Miller/Huntington Loan had mirror terms for             
          interest, any interest income petitioner received on the                    
          MMS/Miller Loan would have been offset by petitioner's interest             

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