Layvonne Newell - Page 17

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          fair and equitable manner; and (2) compromise will not undermine            
          compliance by taxpayers with the tax laws.  Sec. 301.7122-                  
          1(b)(3), Proced. & Admin. Regs.  Economic hardship is defined as            
          an inability to meet reasonable basic living expenses.  Sec.                
          301.6343-1(b)(4)(i), Proced. & Admin. Regs.                                 
               Turning to the case at bar, the Court certainly sympathizes            
          with the personal and medical difficulties endured by petitioner            
          in recent years.  However, the record lacks evidence that would             
          establish an abuse of discretion on the part of respondent in               
          evaluating petitioner’s circumstances.  The only Form 433-A in              
          evidence submitted by petitioner, despite repeated invitations to           
          provide updated documentation, does not, when analyzed in                   
          accordance with the IRM, show that an installment agreement of              
          $700 would be unreasonable.  Nor does it establish an inability             
          to meet basic living expenses.                                              
               The only other financial information offered by petitioner;            
          i.e., the figures set forth in her December 2, 2004, response to            
          the motion for summary judgment and testified to at trial, is               
          problematic on several fronts.  First and foremost, the amounts             
          are completely unsubstantiated.  There would also appear to be              
          rounding and estimation, the extent of which is unclear.  The               
          reference to an expense for chemotherapy, for instance, is broad,           
          generalized, and affords no meaningful way to arrive at a monthly           
          outlay.  Furthermore, the $75 monthly payment suggested by                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011