Benjamin O. & Linda L. Agbaniyaka - Page 22

                                       - 22 -                                         
          establish their position with respect to any of the issues                  
               On the record before us, we find that petitioners have                 
          failed to carry their burden of showing that they were not                  
          negligent and did not disregard rules or regulations, or other-             
          wise did what a reasonable person would do, with respect to the             
          underpayment for each of the years at issue.                                
               On that record, we further find that petitioners have                  
          failed to carry their burden of showing that there was reasonable           
          cause for, and that they acted in good faith with respect to, the           
          underpayment for each of the years at issue.                                
               Based upon our examination of the entire record before us,             
          we find that petitioners have failed to carry their burden of               
          establishing that they are not liable for each of the tax years             
          at issue for the accuracy-related penalty under section 6662(a).            
               We have considered all of petitioners’ contentions and                 
          arguments that are not discussed herein, and we find them to be             
          without merit, irrelevant, and/or moot.                                     
               To reflect the foregoing and the concessions of respondent,            

                                             Decision will be entered under           
                                        Rule 155.                                     

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Last modified: November 10, 2007