Rameses School of San Antonio, Texas - Page 25

                                       - 25 -                                         
               Guzman (902 E. Crockett); $1,000 to Sara Guzman; $500                  
               to Jean Parker; $3,300 to J. Guy Sowells (517 Center);                 
               and $3,300 to James Goodman (525 Center Street).  No                   
               lease agreements were produced by the school, and no                   
               real estate transactions supporting these transactions                 
               were found during a deed records search.                               
                    16. Ms. Fennell bought the property at 902 E.                     
               Crockett from Alfred Guzman as an individual and not as                
               a representative of RSSAT.  Ms. Fennell issued Rameses                 
               School check Number 0454, dated October 9, 1998, to                    
               Mr. Guzman as a payment for the property.  [Citations                  
               The foregoing factual circumstances, independently borne out           
          by the documentary record, are more than sufficient to establish            
          prohibited private benefit.  Furthermore, even if petitioner were           
          permitted to challenge the SBOE findings, its response on brief             
          consists solely of short, unsupported, and conclusory statements            
          of denial.  For example, the school’s entire argument on opening            
          brief on the inurement and private benefit issue reads:                     
               Plaintiff presented witnesses to testify that board                    
               meetings were regularly conducted and that Plaintiff                   
               did not personally benefit or receive personal gains.                  
               Plaintiff explains reimbursement of single RAMESES                     
               check at a dentist office.  Plaintiff was without                      
               available checks at the time and duly reimbursed                       
               RAMESES SCHOOL.                                                        
          Similar blanket statements on reply brief are equally                       
          unpersuasive in the face of the detailed evidence.                          
               Hence, the Court is constrained to hold on the entire record           
          in this case that, on account of proscribed private benefit,                
          petitioner was not operated exclusively for exempt purposes                 

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