Leo and Evelyn Trentadue - Page 7

                                        - 7 -                                         
          decay.  Metal end posts are approximately 9 feet long and usually           
          4 inches in diameter.                                                       
               The posts used between the end posts (in-line posts) are               
          typically 9 feet in length and approximately 4 to 5 inches in               
          diameter if wooden and 3½ inches in diameter if metal.  The                 
          wooden posts may be pressure treated with chemicals to retard               
          decay.  The purpose of the in-line posts is to support the wires            
          used to train the vines and support the drip irrigation lines.              
          The posts support 10- to 14-gauge wires, which in turn support              
          drip irrigation lines, vine cordons and fruit, and foliage.  All            
          wires are attached, by staples and gripples, to the end posts and           
          the in-line posts.  The staples attach the wire to the posts, and           
          the gripples provide the ability to adjust the tension of the               
               In addition to in-line posts, wood or metal training stakes            
          are pounded 1½ to 2 feet into the ground to support each vine.              
          The stakes may be wood or metal and are typically 6 feet long,              
          and the wooden ones may be pressure treated.                                
               Concrete or cement is not used to affix the posts to the               
          earth.  Petitioners did not intend for their trellising to be               
          permanently affixed to the earth.                                           
               One goal in the use of trellis systems is to improve the               
          intensity and quality of grapes, which, in turn, improves the               
          intensity, quality, and value of the resulting wine.  The manner            

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Last modified: November 10, 2007