Mifflin v. Gasqui, 1 Dall. 142 (C. P. Phila. 1785) and Dorrow Assignee v. Kelly, 1 Dall. 142 (C. P. Phila. 1785)

Mifflin versus Gasqui.

A debtor in confinement under a Magistrate's execution, petitioned for his discharge under the insolvent laws. But he was remanded, because he had not applied before the adjournment; the Court observing, that it was already easy enough for debtors to get out of gaol.

Citation: Mifflin v. Gasqui, 1 Dall. 142, 1 U.S. 142 (C. P. Phila. 1785)

Dorrow Assignee versus Kelly.

Citation: Dorrow Assignee v. Kelly, 1 Dall. 142, 1 U.S. 142 (C. P. Phila. 1785)

Last modified: January 14, 2014