Code of Virginia - Title 5.1 Aviation - Section 5.1-1.6 Further powers and duties of Department; State Corporation Commission to administer Chapter ...

§ 5.1-1.6. Further powers and duties of Department; State Corporation Commission to administer Chapter ...

A. The Department shall have the following powers and duties:

1. Administer the provisions of Chapters 1 (§ 5.1-1 et seq.), 3 (§ 5.1-31 et seq.), 5 (§ 5.1-51 et seq.) and 8.1 (§ 5.1-88.1 et seq.) of this title;

2. Plan for the development of a state aviation system;

3. Promote aviation in the Commonwealth in the interest of the public, including representing the interests of the Commonwealth before all tribunals, agencies or offices, federal, state and local, in any matter tending to affect any phase of Virginia aviation;

4. License aircraft, airports and landing areas; and

5. Provide assistance to cities, towns, counties and other governmental subdivisions for the planning, development, construction and operation of airports, landing fields and other aviation facilities.

B. The State Corporation Commission shall continue to administer Chapter 9 (§ 5.1-89 et seq.) of this title.

(1979, c. 272; 1991, c. 126; 1992, c. 108.)

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Last modified: April 16, 2009