Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 79A Public Recreational Lands - Section 79A.10.010 General obligation bonds authorized

§ 79A.10.010. General obligation bonds authorized

For the purpose of providing funds for the development of outdoor recreational facilities in the state, the state finance committee is hereby authorized to issue, at any time prior to January 1, 1970, general obligation bonds of the state of Washington in the sum of ten million dollars, or so much thereof as shall be required to finance the program for which these bonds are being authorized: PROVIDED, That funds realized from the sale of such bonds shall be used solely for the acquisition of land and attached appurtenances and such property shall be for outdoor recreational use.

The state finance committee is authorized to prescribe the form of such bonds and the time of sale of all or any portion or portions of such bonds, and the conditions of sale and issuance thereof.

The bonds shall pledge the full faith and credit of the state of Washington and contain an unconditional promise to pay the principal and interest when due. The committee may provide that the bonds, or any of them, may be called prior to the due date thereof under such terms and conditions as it may determine.

[1965 c 8 § 43.98.010. Prior: 1963 ex.s. c 12 § 1. Formerly RCW 43.98.010.]

Sections:  79A.10.010  79A.10.020  79A.10.030  79A.10.040  79A.10.050  79A.10.060  79A.10.070  79A.10.090  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009