KEITH et al. V. COELHO - Page 25

                 Interference No. 103,270                                                                                                               

                                   In order to prevail, Keith et al., the prior                                                                         
                 conceiver, must also prove reasonable diligence during the                                                                             
                 critical period, which extends from just prior to Coelho's                                                                             
                 conception date of December 2, 1988, to the effective filing                                                                           
                 date of Keith et al. on August 25, 1989.  The testimony                                                                                
                 corroborating diligence must be                                                                                                        
                 specific as to dates and facts.  Kendall v. Searles, 173 F.2d                                                                          
                 986, 993, 81 USPQ 363, 369 (CCPA 1949).                                                                                                
                                   We must first determine whether Keith et al. were                                                                    
                 diligent from a time "just prior," "immediately prior" or                                                                              

                 before" December 2, 1988.  Gould v. Schwalow, 363 F.2d 908,                                                                            
                 911, 150 USPQ 634, 637 (CCPA 1966); Scharmann v. Kassel, 179                                                                           
                 F.2d 991, 996, 84 USPQ 472, 476 (CCPA 1950).                                                                                           
                                   Euteneuer  testified that, following the9                                                                                                    
                 brainstorming session on October 3, 1988:                                                                                              

                          9We refer to the testimony of Euteneuer because, except                                                                       
                 for item (3), he is the only non-inventor (i.e.,                                                                                       
                 corroborating) witness to testify as to these events.                                                                                  

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Last modified: November 3, 2007