KEITH et al. V. COELHO - Page 27

          Interference No. 103,270                                                    

                    With regard to these events, items (1) to (3)                     
          clearly are not activities which were "just prior" to December              
          2, 1988, since they all occurred on or before October 20,                   
          1988, some    six weeks beforehand.  See, e.g., Scharmann, 179              
          F.2d at 996,   84 USPQ at 477, where activity approximately a               
          month prior to  the date the opponent entered the field was                 
          held not to be "immediately prior to" that date and hence "not              
          relevant on    the question of appellant's diligence."                      
                    As for the discussion listed as item (4), the record              
          does not establish that it specifically took place "just                    
          prior" to December 2, but only that it occurred "[o]n or                    
          before    December 1, 1988" (KR-47).  This broad statement                  
          would be inclusive of any date from December 1 back to October              
          20, or  even earlier.                                                       
                    Accordingly, whether Keith et al. were diligent from              
          "just prior" to December 2 depends upon whether they have                   
          shown by corroborated evidence that the drawing (JPX-7) and                 
          (JPX-8) were being prepared or completed on December 1, 1988.               
          We do not consider that they have.  Although both documents                 


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