HOSHINO et al V. TANAKA - Page 25

          Interference No. 103,208                                                    
          Hoshino et al. v. Tanaka                                                    

               the affidavit.  Cable Electric Prod. v. Genmark, 770                   
               F.2d 1015, 226 USPQ 881, 887 (Fed. Cir. 1985).                         
               (Emphasis added.)                                                      
               Further still, it is anyone’s guess how much improvement               
          constitutes a "substantial improvement."  Since we do not know              
          how much improvement constitutes "substantial improvement,"                 
          the assertion of substantial improvement is not very                        
          meaningful.  The Figures referred to in Exhibits A and B                    
          attached to Mr. Utagawa’s first declaration are not marked                  
          with specific units on any axis in the graphs and do not                    
          appear to record actual test data.  Rather, they appear to be               
          graphical illustrations or translations of what Mr. Utagawa                 
          has said in words and are just as conclusory.  Saying the same              
          thing twice, albeit in different forms, does not                            

          make an unsubstantiated conclusion any more believable or con-              
          vincing.  Also, here, the fact that Mr. Utagawa is a co-                    
          inventor makes lack of presentation of the underlying factual               
          basis and specific data in support of Mr. Utagawa’s opinion                 
          even a little more suspect.                                                 
               Even assuming that substantial improvements are shown,                 

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