Ex parte MOSTKOFF - Page 25

          Appeal No. 96-3404                                                          
          Application 08/145,775                                                      

          that “the tetrahedron blocks present the same difficulties at               
          [sic, as] the parallelepiped blocks although in a reduced                   
               While it is true that Danel in discussing the prior art                
          does not expressly mention the exact kind of parallelepiped                 
          blocks, we observe that artisans must be presumed to know                   
          something about the art apart from what the references                      
          disclose.  See In re Jacoby, 309 F.2d 513, 516, 135 USPQ 317,               
          319 (CCPA 1962).  Moreover, as we have noted above, the                     
          conclusion of obviousness may be made from "common knowledge                
          and common sense" of the person of ordinary skill in the art                
          (see Bozek, 416 F.2d at 1390, 163 USPQ at 549) and skill is                 
          presumed on the part of those                                               
          practicing in the art  (see Sovish, 769 F.2d at 743, 226 USPQ               
          at 774).  Therefore, we perceive that the above-quoted portion              
          of Danel would have fairly suggested to the artisan that such               
          “simple” parallelepipeds would include commonplace                          
          parallelepipeds such as rectangular structures.  As to the                  
          provision of the modules having pieces of resilient material                
          such as tire chips therein, we are of the opinion that such a               


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