Ex parte DURRANI et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 00-0910                                                          
          Application No. 08/821,176                                                  

               during prosecution of the application which matured                    
               into a patent.  In re Schneller, 397 F.2d 350, 158                     
               USPQ 210 (CCPA 1968).  See also MPEP § 804.  The                       
               examiner notes that the patent disclosure provides                     
               full support for the claims of the instant                             
               application, i.e. the claims of the instant                            
               application read on at least figure 5 and 6A of the                    
               Appellants argue on pages 8-10 of the main brief that the              
          present case is distinguishable from In re Schneller in that                
          here there are several reasons why claims corresponding to the              
          appealed claims could not have been presented during                        
          prosecution of the application that matured into the                        
          Scharboneau patent.  Specifically, appellants argue that (1)                
          the claims in the present application will not lead to an                   
          unjustified time wise extension of the right to exclude                     
          granted in the Scharboneau patent because any claims allowed                
          from the present application will expire on the same date as                
          the claims of the Scharboneau patent, (2) “the present                      
          application is exactly the ‘example’ set forth in In re                     
          Schneller of when two separate applications are appropriate                 
          [because] [t]he inventors of the present application are not                
          the inventors of the [Scharboneau] patent” (main brief, page                
          9), and (3) the Scharboneau patent and the present application              


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