Ex parte DURRANI et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 00-0910                                                          
          Application No. 08/821,176                                                  

          plurality of elements, namely, a steering wheel assembly (A)                
          comprising several subelements, an airbag assembly (B)                      
          comprising several subelements, means (C) for securing the                  
          subelements of the steering wheel assembly together, means (D)              
          for securing the steering wheel assembly and airbag assembly                
          together, and means (E) for securing the assembled steering                 
          wheel and airbag combination as a unit to a steering column.                
          The Scharboneau patent discloses three (3) embodiments of E,                
          namely, the embodiment E  of Figures 9A and 10, the embodiment              
          E  of Figures 7 and 8, and the embodiment E  of Figures 5, 6A2                                      3                                
          and 6C.  The claims of the Scharboneau patent include three                 
          independent claims: claim 1, directed to the combination ABCE,              
          where E is generically claimed; claim 5, directed to the                    
          combination of ABDE, where E is once again generically                      
          claimed; and claim 8, directed to the combination ABE , where               
          the specific embodiment E  is claimed.  The disclosure of the               
          present application includes everything disclosed in the                    
          Scharboneau patent, and also discloses an additional                        
          embodiment E , see Figures 16 and 17, for securing the                      
          assembled steering wheel and airbag combination as a unit to a              
          steering column.  The claims of the present application                     

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Last modified: November 3, 2007