Ex Parte Reynolds - Page 8

          Appeal No. 2004-0356                                                        
          Application 09/811,993                                                      

          prima facie case of obviousness and has not engaged in hindsight            
          reconstruction based on appellant’s disclosure and claims.  While           
          it is true that Boggess alone does not disclose an attention-               
          attracting, lighted display device for mounting on a supermarket            
          display shelf so that the display normally cantilevers                      
          transversely into the shopping aisle, we share the examiner’s               
          view that one of ordinary skill in the art would have derived               
          ample suggestion and motivation from the collective teachings of            
          the applied patents, and particularly the illuminated display               
          apparatus seen in Sernovitz, for enhancing the attention grabbing           
          ability of the advertising display apparatus of Boggess by                  
          providing the display apparatus of Boggess with lighting mounted            
          on or in the carrier frame (16) which can be seen by customers              
          approaching the display apparatus from either direction along the           
          aisle and thereby focus attention on a featured item at an even             
          earlier time, e.g., as the customer enters the shopping aisle,              
          especially when the lighting on the display device is flashing or           
          blinking on and off as suggested in Sernovitz.  We consider that            
          one of ordinary skill in the art would have immediately                     
          recognized that such a combination of features would more                   
          effectively fulfill the desires in Boggess of a) directing                  
          customer attention to a featured item at a location on a shelf              

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