Ex Parte Rosenberg et al - Page 14

             Appeal No. 2005-0642                                                                               
             Application No. 09/568,278                                                                         

                        Chronological by patent claim                                                           
             Original claim number     Claim as re-numbered                                                     
             1                                            1                                                     
             2                                            2                                                     
             3                                            3                                                     
             4                                            4                                                     
             5                                            5                                                     
             6                                            6                                                     
             8                                            7                                                     
             9                                            8                                                     
             10                                           9                                                     
             11                                           10                                                    
             12                                           11                                                    
             13                                           12                                                    
             14                                           13                                                    
             15                                           14                                                    
             7                                   Cancelled                                                      
             16                                   Cancelled                                                     
             17                                   Cancelled                                                     
             18                                   Cancelled                                                     
             19                                   Cancelled                                                     
             20                                   Cancelled                                                     

                   61. U.S. Patent 5,628,751 issued May 13, 1997, based on the original                         
             application and contained claims 1-14, all as shown in Appendix 5 of this opinion.                 

                                                     - 14 -                                                     

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