Ex Parte 5855920 et al - Page 24

               Appeal No. 2005-2593                                                                               24                 
               Application No. 90/005,867                                                                                            

                       As explained above, Fahy, at most, suggests that one supplemental hormone                                     
               (DHEA) is determined to be below a predetermined level.  Furthermore, Fahy does not                                   
               disclose that any of the supplemental hormones listed in claim 35 are replenished to                                  
               predetermined levels.  The teachings of Scow, Pierpaoli and Umbreit fail to cure the                                  
               deficiencies in Fahy.  See section “B.,” supra.  Therefore, the rejection of claim 35 under                           
               35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over the combined teachings of Fahy, Scow,                                      
               Umbreit and Pierpaoli is reversed.                                                                                    
                       Claim 36 is dependent on claim 35.  Thus, the rejection of claim 35 under 35                                  
               § 103 as being unpatentable over the combined teachings of Fahy, Scow, Umbreit and                                    
               Pierpaoli is also reversed.  See 37 CFR § 1.75(c) (2002).                                                             

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