Ex Parte Bersuch et al - Page 25

         Appeal No. 2006-0132                                                        
         Application No. 09/946,627                                                  
         document from commercially exploiting the information obtained              
         therefrom.  The appellants simply do not have any control over              
         the flow or use of the information provided in the Wanthal                  
         document.  In fact, the evidence relied upon by the appellants              
         shows that those who attended the Closed Session in question                
         and/or those who bought the copies of the Wanthal document have             
         the same distribution rights as the appellants in accordance with           
         the government regulations referred to above.  The appellants               
         proffer no evidence that these government regulations prevented             
         commercial exploitation of the information in Wanthal or denied             
         the interested U.S. public, such as U.S. defense industries, from           
         accessing the information in Wanthal.  As such, it cannot be said           
         that the information in the Wanthal document was unavailable to a           
         significant segment of the interested public.                               
         The appellants rely on Northern Telecom Inc. v. Datapoint                   
         Corp., 908 F.2d 931, 15 USPQ2d 1321 (Fed. Cir. 1990), Ex parte              
         Kroenert, 144 USPQ 133 (Bd. App. 1960), and Aluminum Co. of                 
         America v. Reynolds Metals Co., 14 USPQ2d 1170 (N.D. Ill. 1989).            
         See the Brief, pages 9-13.  According to the appellants (id.),              
         these cases support their position that Wanthal is not “prior               
         art” within the meaning of section 102(a) or 102(b).  The                   
         appellants’ reliance on these cases is misplaced.                           


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