Ex Parte USHIWATA et al - Page 24

          Appeal No. 2006-2116                                                        
          Application No. 08/879,517                                                  

          Langworthy, and Ambrosio as cumulative of the affirmed rejections,          
          at best.                                                                    
               Having considered the merits of the examiner’s rejection of            
          Claims 1-3, 26, 27, 37, 48-56 and 58-62 for unpatentability under           
          35 U.S.C. § 103 in view of the prior art acknowledged in                    
          appellant’s own U.S. Patent 5,425,294, Johnson, Langworthy, and             
          Ambrosio; and all the evidence of record for and against the                
          rejection, we affirm.                                                       
    10         Having considered the merits of the examiner’s rejection of            
          Claims 1-3, 26, 27, 37, 48-56 and 58-62 for unpatentability under           
          35 U.S.C. § 103 in view of the combined prior art teachings of              
          Ito, Johnson, Langworthy, and Ambrosio; and all the evidence of             
          record for and against the rejection, we affirm.                            



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