Ex Parte Hubacek et al - Page 24

                Appeal 2007-0127                                                                              
                Application 09/749,916                                                                        

           1          The Appellants’ arguments are inapposite.  The Examiner has                             
           2    established a prima facie case of obviousness.  As we have discussed, the                     
           3    Appellants have failed to come forward with sufficient credible evidence to                   
           4    overcome that case.  Even had we accepted the Appellants’ arguments that                      
           5    unexpected results had been established for wafers 0.25 inches and thicker,                   
           6    that evidence would have to be weighed against the evidence of                                
           7    obviousness, including Uwai.   The Appellants appear to have                                  
           8    misunderstood the application of the Uwai reference.  Uwai is relied upon as                  
           9    additional evidence to support the Examiner’s position that the results                       
          10    pointed to by the Appellants are unexpected in that thicker electrodes                        
          11    generally are more stable.  Uwai describes that principle to one of ordinary                  
          12    skill in the art. (Uwai, col. 2, ll. 62-63). Accordingly, we agree with the                   
          13    Examiner that Uwai tends to show that the results are expected.                               
          14          The Appellants urge that the data points in Appendix B (Cracked                         
          15    versus OK) are sufficient because one of ordinary skill in the art could                      
          16    readily ascertain the trend in the data and reasonably allow him or her to                    
          17    extend its probative value.   (Br., p. 14, ll. 5-8).                                          
          18          We disagree.   There are only three data points on the chart, and                       
          19    without sufficient explanation to which line is “line A”, or an indication as                 
          20    to which points define which results, the evidence is unpersuasive.  If the                   
          21    two data points nearest the line are the only successes, then a rule is being                 
          22    extrapolated from the barest minimum of possible data.  In any event, this                    
          23    argument goes to the weight to be accorded to the evidence, and we find that                  
          24    it is to be entitled to very little weight for the reasons discussed above.                   


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