Ex Parte Hubacek et al - Page 29

                Appeal 2007-0127                                                                              
                Application 09/749,916                                                                        

           1          The Appellants urge that Saito fails to provide any motivation to                       
           2    modify Degner’s electrode to include gas outlets having a diameter of from                    
           3    about 0.025 inch to about 0.030 inch.  (Br., p. 22, ll. 22 – p. 23, ll. 3).  This             
           4    argument fails to address the description in Saito that establishes that gas                  
           5    holes in a showerhead electrode are known to have a suitable diameter of                      
           6    0.5 mm (0.02 inch).  It also fails to address the fact that the instant claims                
           7    recite a diameter of “about 0.025” inch.                                                      
           8          The Appellants have urged that this is a “hindsight” combination;                       
           9    however, the Appellants have failed to explain why 0.02 is neither the same                   
          10    as, or nonobvious in view of “about 0.025.”  The term “about” indicates                       
          11    some variability or “fuzziness” at the end point.  We decline to construe it                  
          12    merely numerically.  Practically, a diameter of “x” is “about 0.025” when an                  
          13    electrode with holes of “x” in diameter would perform substantially the same                  
          14    function.  Saito stands as evidence that this would be the case.  The                         
          15    Appellants’ attorney arguments are not evidence.  Thus, the preponderance                     
          16    of the evidence supports the Examiner’s position.                                             
          17          Accordingly, we are not persuaded by this argument.                                     
          18          (II-C) Claim 33                                                                         
          19          Claim 33 reads as follows:                                                              
          20          33.  The electrode of claim 30, wherein the gas outlets have diameters                  
          21    of 0.020 to 0.030 inch and the gas outlets are distributed across the exposed                 
          22    surface.                                                                                      
          23                 The Appellants argument does not address the additional                          
          24    limitations of claim 33, but relies instead upon its argument that claim 30                   
          25    was not properly rejected for lack of teaching as to the electrode thickness.                 


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