Ex Parte SMITH - Page 23

            Appeal 2007-1925                                                                                
            Application 09/391,869                                                                          
            results.  Thus, the claimed subject matter likely would have been obvious under                 
            KSR.  In addition, neither Appellant’s Specification nor Appellant’s arguments                  
            present any evidence that the separation of one pocket into two pockets using an                
            additional line of adhesive is uniquely challenging or difficult for one of ordinary            
            skill in the art.  Moreover, the separation of one pocket into two pockets using an             
            additional line of adhesive is a technique that has been used to improve one device             
            (the photo album of Ruebens), and one of skill in the art would recognize that it               
            would improve similar devices in the same manner.  Because Appellant has not                    
            shown that the application of the Ruebens technique to the combination of Wyant                 
            and Dick would have been beyond the skill of one of skill in the art, we find using             
            the technique would have been obvious.  Under those circumstances, the Examiner                 
            did not err in holding that it would have been obvious to one having ordinary skill             
            in the art at the time the invention was made to modify Wyant's and Dick's pocket               
            insert with an adhesive strip, as taught by Ruebens, for the purpose of defining a              
            plurality of pockets to hold numerous articles.  Because this is a case where the               
            improvement is no more than the predictable use of prior art elements according to              
            their established functions, no further analysis is required by the Examiner.  KSR,             
            127 S.Ct. at 1740, 82 USPQ2d at 1396.                                                           

                   We conclude that Appellant has not shown that the Examiner erred in                      
            rejecting claims 1-21 and 32-36.                                                                


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