Ex parte WINNER - Page 27

          Appeal No. 97-3194                                        Page 27           
          Application No. 08/442,816                                                  

               In this case the appellant has submitted evidence in the               
          form of a declaration from John F. Hornbostel, Jr. (attached                
          to Paper No. 6, filed Mach 11, 1996).  The declaration                      
               1. In August, 1994, Winner [Winner International                       
          Royalty Corporation, assignee of the appealed application]                  
          introduced a line of bicycle security locks into the United                 
          States market to permit bicycle owners to secure a bicycle to               
          an immoveable object.  This line of locks represents the first              
          products introduced by Winner into the bicycle accessory                    
          market.  Winner sells four different styles and sizes of                    
          bicycle locks.  I am advised that all four of the locks are                 
          covered by one or more claims of the above-captioned                        
               2.   Following the commercial introduction of the bicycle              
          locks in 1994, these locks enjoyed immediate substantial                    
          commercial success and have experienced a continuous sales                  
          growth.  In the most recent three month period from October                 
          through December 1995, the dollar volume of sales of these                  
          locks at the wholesale level has exceeded $185,000.00.                      
               3. In my opinion, the success of the bicycle lock in                   
          the marketplace is due in large measure to the features of the              
          locks that are covered by the claims of the patent                          
          application.  More specifically, the use of two U-shaped                    
          members which telescopically move toward and away from one                  
          another and which utilize either a pawl/ratchet tooth                       
          arrangement or a plurality of semicircular grooves with a lock              
          mechanism, to provide a wide degree of adjustability are                    
          features which have contributed to the almost instantaneous                 
          success and popularity of the lock devices.                                 
               4. Another reason for the success of the lock devices                  
          is the relative simplicity of the design and operation of each              
          device and the claimed features thereof which protect the                   
          bicycle and the lock components from marring, damage and                    
               5. In my opinion, the Winner line of bicycle locks have                
          displaced the United States sales of locks manufactured by                  

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