Ex parte EICHENAUER et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 96-1795                                                          
          Application No. 08/262,745                                                  

               According to appellants, the invention is directed to                  
          thermoplastic ABS materials having high strength, high heat                 
          resistance, good hardness, good surface gloss and very good                 
          process ability (Brief, pages 2 and 4).  Appellants state that              
          the claims on appeal stand or fall together (Brief, page 7).                
          Accordingly, we select claim 1 from the group of claims and                 
          decide this appeal as to the grounds of rejection on the basis              
          of this claim alone.  See 37 CFR § 1.192(c)(7)(1995).                       
          Illustrative claim 1 is reproduced and attached as an Appendix              
          to this decision.                                                           
               The examiner has relied upon the following references in               
          support of the rejections:                                                  
          Cincera et al. (Cincera)         3,903,200        Sep. 2,                   
          Kodama et al. (Kodama)           5,093,419        Mar. 3,                   
          Lausberg et al. (Lausberg)       5,216,062        Jun. 1,                   
          1993 Eichenauer et al. (Eichenauer I) 5,302,663        Apr.                 
          12, 1994                                                                    
          (effective filing date of Nov. 18, 1991)                                    
          Eichenauer et al. (Eichenauer II)5,302,664        Apr. 12,                  
          (effective filing date of Nov. 18, 1991)                                    
          Hiemenz, Polymer Chemistry, pp. 537-541, Marcel Dekker, Inc.,               


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