SAWADA et al. V. JIN et al. - Page 15

                 Interference No. 103,141                                                                                                              

                 directed to the subject matter of cladding with orifices.  New                                                                        
                 count 3 is                                                                                                                            
                 directed to the subject matter of orifice-free cladding.                                                                              
                 Note, however, that both new counts are still limited to the                                                                          
                 cross-section reduction with subsequent sintering species.16                                                                          
                                   According to Sawada, “Proposed Count A defines the                                                                  
                 essential common elements between the parties and permits the                                                                         
                 party Sawada to rely on its best proofs without prejudice to                                                                          
                 the proofs of party Jin.”  Sawada Brief, page 9.  Both parties                                                                        
                 and this panel are in agreement that the cross-section                                                                                
                 reduction with subsequent sintering species, and the sintering                                                                        
                 with simultaneous or subsequent cross-section reduction                                                                               
                 species are separate species.  See Sawada Brief at page 12,                                                                           
                 lines 3-7 and lines 15-17; Jin Brief at page 4.  Sawada’s                                                                             
                 argument is that Sawada is entitled to a generic count which                                                                          
                 comprises both species so that the junior party may rely on                                                                           
                 its best proofs, i.e., the sintering with simultaneous or                                                                             
                 subsequent cross-section reduction species not in counts 2 and                                                                        

                          16Judge Smith also broadened the definition of T  found in                                                                   
                 the new counts 2 and 3.  That change is not contested here.                                                                           

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